The lentil storehouses, owned by Burmese Muslims, had been set fire

June 19, 2012

On yesterday, 12.30am, the lentil storehouses had been set fire in Ta Zaung Yoe village which is located in between two well-known towns, Yekyi and Athote, in Ayeyarwaddy division. Arson was allegedly started by four stranger Buddhist monks and which completely destroyed a storehouse and a motorbike possessed by a Muslim business man, U Hanif.

Fire crews from Yekyi and Athote fought the arson successfully within an hour with the help of surrounding residences.

Storehouse guard had tried to persuade the perpetrators. “Those four monks are not from my town. They are new faces as I know almost all the monks from surrounding area. After they’d set up fire, left on a truck. I couldn’t have a scene to its license plate because of darkness”, he told to on phone.

There have been reported about the state governor who personally came and inspected the situation on today’s morning.

According to the residences, it is noted that there have been Buddhists and ruly Muslims stay together peacefully for a long time in the area of Nga Thahine Gyaung, Yekyi and Athote.

This is the second incident happened against the Burmese Muslims after the unrest in Rakhine state.

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