Muslim Cemetery in Bokalay forcibly occupied and an industrial construction project illegally going on

October 9, 2012
Reporter-Thun Tauk

It has been reported that a Muslim cemetery in Bokalay town, Ayarwaddy Division has been forcibly occupied and a building for an industry is being illegally constructed on the land.
Regarding that report, an investigation was made, and it was found that about half of the Muslim Cemetery’s land from Bokalay has been
forcibly occupied by a crony businessman, the tombs in the cemetery have been removed to other places without following a proper procedure and consent, and a construction for an industrial project has been carried out within a short time.

A petition to the President against the abovementioned case has been signed by more than 800 people, including the committee members for the cemetery and the local Muslims, and sent on October 4, 2012.

The detailed information about the news will be updated.

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