Latest News on Rakhine Terror in Arakan State (Oct 24 @ 11: 30AM)

October 24, 2012
Reporting by Htun Taut


At 4:45 AM

A local resident at Kyat Phyu talked to M-Media at 4:45 AM today. At the moment he was talking to us in tears, he was running. “I am from Kyaut Phyu. The situation is very bad here. Yesterday, they [Rakines] started burning houses at about 7 AM in Pait Te (aka Pait Seit). 60 houses and one mosque were burnt down by Rakhines. We tried to extinguish fire, but the Fire Department did not allow us to do. The army shot people who went to extinguish fire. Now 5 people have been shot dead and 8 injured. Out of 8 people, two were chopped by Rakhines with swords. We are minority, how can we resist them? So, we have to run away. Rakhines shot us with jingali [local weapon similar to arrow]. The army and police also shot people. We have only a stream to run to. Now we have put women and children on boats. The Navy said they would shoot us if we start boat engines. What should we do? We don’t have anywhere to run to? Please pray for us”.

At 9:18 AM

Another local resident talked to M-Media at 9:18 AM. “Now Rakhines are setting fire on Muslims’ wards from all four sides. There are Rakhine houses in these wards. But their houses are smalls. We don’t have anywhere to go. What can we do”.

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