Mandalay unstable so far and the residents alert

3rd July 2014
Reported by Thuta

In Mandalay, the second largest and ancient capital of Myanmar, a sectarian riot began to break out on 1st July and Muslim properties were destroyed. Then, in 2nd July night and 3rd July early morning, Muslims in Mandalay were under unsafe situation, feeling sense of insecurity.

Since about 11 PM, 2nd July, inflammatory provocations happened at Amyaut Tan and East Koneyoe Blocks between 35th and 75th Roads, U Gyargyi Compound between 35th and 36th Roads but the situations did not change into a big issue or fighting.

“I got to the riot places- Amyaut Tangyi, East Koneyoe and the corner of 84th and 35th Roads. A few provocations occurred. But, no big problem has happened yet. Now, people become worried more due to Facebook statuses and messages. So, I want Facebook users to post messages carefully. Now, we are going around in the city,” a member of conflict resolution committee said.

The conflict resolution committee leaded by the Venerable Galun Ni, Khalifah U Thein Win Aung (a leader of Islamic Sufi order in Myanmar) and other religious leaders monitoring the situaiton in the city.

Irrawady News Magazine Facebook page reported that its reporter fled from the aggressive crowd at the corner of 35th and 84th Roads, police’s out-of-control area. According to Irrawady’s today midnight breaking news, eyewitnesses reported that club and machete holding rioters riding motorbikes destroyed shops and motorcycles which were assumed to belong Muslims.


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