Buddhist moral teaching camps shouldn’t incite innocent children by teaching hatred and hate (open letter)

13th Jan 2015
Sent by Shwe Karawait Maung Maung


It is a nobel activity to teach children one’s own religious teachings and train them to practice Triple Gem of Theravada Buddhism.

However, it is too dangerous that young people are being incited by teaching hate and hatred with the intention to destroy the future of the country under so-called moral teaching camps. Ma Ba Tha and Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) members are enthusiastically organizing such activities.

At 9 o’clock, 11th Jan 2015, a graduation ceremony of one Dhamma school (moral teaching camp) was held in Yemaethin Township.

Yemathin Township Interfaith group was invited to join that event.

This interfaith group is a township level sub-group under Myanmar Interfaith Friendship Group where former ambassador U Sein Win Aung is the chairperson. He is the father-in-law of President U Thein Sein’s daughter.

In that ceremony, Zaw Win, a retired township education official, who is the USDP’s member-to-be of Mandalay Regional Parliament gave an opening speech.

In his speech, he told the advantage of attending Dhamma school, giving his own experience with his son.

He visited Mandalay together with his young son. On the way, during the bus stoped for short time, he gave pocket money to his son as his son wanted to eat snacks. But, his son came back without snacks with money in intact. He asked his son if there was no snack shops. His son replied that he did not buy snacks because, he saw only non-Buddhist bearded one. He was proud of his son for that action.

He concluded that that was the benefit of joining Dhamma school (moral teaching camp).

It is unknown whether he told that speech purposely or not in front of the non-Buddhist members of the township interfaith group who joined the ceremony.

The Buddhist attendees to the event themselves felt discomfort for his speech.

Local residents told, “All are now demanding peace and stability. His speech affects negatively on peace and stability. The curriculum of Dhamma school which are inciting hate and hatred to young children needs to be reviewed and changed. U Zaw Win’s speech spoils Dhamma school and the image of Buddhism.”

Coming soon, in summer vacation, Dhamma schools (Buddhist moral teaching camps) will be opened around country.

With current version of the curriculum of those camps, young generations are incited with racial and religious hatred and hate will undoubtedly causes negative impact on the future of Union of Myanmar where various religious followers and different ethnic groups are living in.

The photo – A picture drawn by Lagoon Eain

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