Old Muslim vendor expelled by a monk for selling near Pagoda

5th, October 2017

Facebook user Aung Min Tun firstly posted the incident in the evening of 5th October

– Photos of old Muslim vendor being forced out of famous Shwedagon Pagoda in commercial capital Yangon by a Buddhist monk in the latest anti-Muslim outlaw behavior of the abbots was spread among the Myanmar social media users today.

Posting the incident in his Facebook page, Aung Min Tun urged the Buddhist users to inform if someone is aware of any Muslim doing business surrounding area of Pagodas.

In the photos, an old Muslim man carrying packs of quails’ eggs was seen in despair before leaving the place when he was ordered by a monk to do so.

The post has received over 5.6K likes and reactions, 5,534 shares and 1.4K comments during the first six hours. Many Buddhist people opposed the incident in the comments by highlighting that this sort of discrimination goes against the teaching of Buddhism.

Expelling Muslim shops and street vendors at the vicinity of Buddhist religious locations have become very common in recent years. Last year in Yangon, at least three Muslim vendors were expelled, punched and kicked by Ma Ba Tha monks over selling goods near the religious sites.

Street vendors are a common sight in Myanmar’s biggest pagodas, which are popular with tourists.

Photo credit – Facebook page of  Aung Min Tun

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