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The Voice Weekly’s Chief Editor, Kyaw Min Swe

October 28, 2012

One of the most influential media in Myanmar, The Voice Weekly, posted a news on Oct 27 which captions “INGO and OIC have hands in whipping up the Rakhine conflict”. The report was just based on the Rakhine perspective, citing a Rakhine politician and a statement with no reasonable arguments. 

The Voice Weekly is the publishing branch of Myanmar E-grass, a well-known academic and advocacy group. The organization’s academic director Dr. Kyaw Yin Hlaing is the secretary of the government-backed Arakan Conflict Inquiry Commission. The Voice Weekly is a leading news agency politicizing false news and biased perspectives about the Arakan conflict since June this year.

News in detail is as follows:

Yangon Oct 27

U Myo Kyaw, secretary from Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) said that renewed violence in Rakhine state has been instigated by international non-government organizations resided in Myanmar and OIC (Organization of the Islamic Cooperation).

The statement issued by ALD on 25th Oct states – “The violence happened in June has just calmed and come to pass again now, more diffuse than the last one, in Min Bya, Myaut U, Myay Bone, Kyaut Phyu, Kyaut Taw, Yathae Taung, Paut Taw townships. As such, it is seen that the Bengalis set ablaze not only their own houses but the Buddhist Rakhines’ too. According to the incidences, we believe that those conflicts have been taken place as the result of the manipulation by international and foreign organizations.”

“If demonstration against OIC happened in Min Bya today, then tomorrow the violence would happen. As such, it is clear that there is a hand of foreign organizations behind curtain.” explained by U Myo Kyaw.

On Oct 25, the president office declared that the manipulators behind the Rakhine violence will be exposed and legal action taken against them.

State run newspaper describes that because of such renewed conflict, there are a total of 60 had been killed, 95 wounded and about 3000 housed were destroyed.


Official Website of The Voice Weekly – http://thevoicemyanmar.com/

Official Facebook Page of The Voice Weekly – http://www.facebook.com/thevoiceweekly

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