Post Tagged with: "malaysia"

Coalition of NGOs urge government rethink ties with Myanmar MOHD. Hassan has pointed

Coalition of NGOs urge government rethink ties with Myanmar MOHD. Hassan has pointed

Myanmar News December 1, 2013 at 5:12 am 0 comments

Share29th November 2013 STAR ONLINE Photo-Zaw Lwin Moe Kuala Lumpur 29 November – Combination of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Malaysia against religious extremists in Myanmar (Coalition of NGOs) urged the government to re-establish diplomatic relations and trade with the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Koordinatornya, Mohd. Azmi Abdul Hamid saidRead More

Malaysian Muslims to protest against blaspheming Islam during Myanmar anti OIC protests

Malaysian Muslims to protest against blaspheming Islam during Myanmar anti OIC protests

News November 25, 2013 at 1:44 pm 0 comments

ShareNovember 25 2013 M-Media The demonstration will be held in Kaula Lumpur, capital of Malaysia by Malaysian Muslims for the insult towards Islam as a religion during anti OIC protest in Myanmar. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has paid an official visit to Myanmar by the invitation of the governmentRead More

Mahathir Urges Muslim Countries To Save Rohingya

Mahathir Urges Muslim Countries To Save Rohingya

News August 10, 2012 at 4:03 pm 0 comments

Share KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 (Bernama) — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has urged Islamic nations to jointly play a role to help end the misery of the Muslim Rohinyas in Myanmar. The former prime minister said Malaysian efforts alone could not solve the problem. “Nevertheless, if the effort comes fromRead More