969 campaign in Mu Sae’ results Lashio Anti-Muslim riots

29th May 2013
News- Sone Mhat

M-Media learns that the 969 movement organized a three days religious preaching by roadside in Mu Sae’ which is a place very close to Lashio. Many Buddhist monks participated and it had been advertised with very large roadside posters for weeks before the blowout of hate speeches started from 20th May to 24th.


Anti-Muslim sermons organized by 969 movement in Mu Sae’, Shan State

That was led by anti-Islam monks, Wirathu, Pyinyar Wara and Zawana. As usual, they used abusive language which instigates hatred toward muslims. The preaching with 300 attendees was officially named as “969 campaign” by the Buddhist monks themselves.

“This talk was legally named as 969. Last three days, they had been giving this hate speeches to the audience. But the ethnic Shan people showed no interest and Wirathu was not satisfied upon it. And he commented that these Shan do not love and do not understand how important to protect their own people.”, said by a local resident.

It has been also reported that many 969 preaching were held at the monasteries in Taung Gyi, which is a famous town in Shan state, and in nearby places. Moreover, the hate instigating pamphlets were distributed. 969 campaigners targeted the places where the poor families are residing.

In response to this 969 campaign, Buddhist monks belong to Shan ethnic group are planning a ceremony to preach the true teachings of Buddha.

Photo- Wira Thu FB

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