Anti-Muslim leaflets distributed in Yangon universities

March.29th 2015
Report By-Thiha


Leaflets with anti-Muslim rhetoric had been distributed in some of the universities in Yangon Region on March 25.

Including historic Yangon University, those leaflets widely reached to the hands of students in some Universities. It is not clear that distributors are whether students or outside groups. Students from one university caught a distributor and transferred him to special police force through school officials. But no action from authorities was appeared.

Anti-Muslim booklets, pamphlets, leaflets and other documents were started distributing during 1990’s especially inside the government institutions. From that time it was gradually extended among the communities throughout the country.

After the democratic reform in 2011, anti-Muslim sentiment has been rising and documents that stoke religious hatred, fan intolerance, promote violence and conflicts have been distributing from so-called Buddhist and ultra-nationalist organizations. Because of that propagation, violence targeted country’s Muslim minority occurred across the country in recent years.

In those propagated documents, Muslims in Myanmar have been described as enemy of the state and some of the facts are same as that Jews suffered during the time of Nazi propagation of anti-Semitism and that of Rawanda’s ethnic Tutsi during the influence of Hutu Power. Although perpetrators of that propagations can been seen clearly, Myanmar government didn’t take strict action and until now they are still sit back without taking any proper action to stop promoting hatred that can cause instability inside and outside of the country.

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