Sympathies, donations for expelled Muslim vendor pour in from Buddhists

5th, October 2017

U Aung Than, 61, was expelled on Thursday by nationalist monks over selling near the pagoda after warning him Muslims are not allowed doing business in the Buddhist religious sites.

– Some Buddhists are rushing to offer words of comfort and donations to Muslim vendor after the news of some monks kicking him out of the vicinity of famous Shwedagon Pagoda was come out in social media.

U Aung Than, 61, was expelled on Thursday by nationalist monks over selling near the pagoda after warning him Muslims are not allowed doing business in the Buddhist religious sites.

When a so-called nationalist posted the photos of the incident in social media, many Buddhists were not reluctant to denounce this outlaw behavior claiming that this sort of discrimination goes against the teaching of Buddhism.

Some Buddhists social media users also called for help to Muslim victim.

In the same day, young Buddhist couple sent their sympathies to this old man when they saw him in another bazar before giving him some donations.


In the same day, young Buddhist couple sent their sympathies to this old man when they saw him in another bazar before giving him some donations.

Some social activists also went to his home to comfort and apologize showing their disappointment of the incident.

Mg Mg Aye, a famous TV presenter, handed over 200,000 kyats ($180) and two mobile phone – a donation of him and his friends – to U Aung Than when he met with him in his house of suburban Yangon.

Some social activists also went to his home to comfort and apologize showing their disappointment of the incident.

Expelling Muslim shops and street vendors at the vicinity of Buddhist religious locations have become very common in recent years. Last year in Yangon, at least three Muslim vendors were expelled, punched and kicked by Ma Ba Tha monks over selling goods near the religious sites.

Street vendors are a common sight in Myanmar’s biggest pagodas, which are popular with tourists.

Mg Mg Aye, a famous TV presenter, handed over 200,000 kyats ($180) and two mobile phone – a donation of him and his friends – to U Aung Than when he met with him in his house of suburban Yangon.

Photo credit – Facebook

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