Anti-Muslim attack in Delta Region : Mainstream media and government neglect the situation

21st, March 2018

Photos credit – Myanmar Muslim Media

– Muslims homes and properties were vandalised in Ithabuy village of Laymyatnhar Township,  Ayeyarwady Region in a latest anti-Muslim violence in Buddhist-majority country following weeks of incitement over inter-religious relationship between Muslim boy and Buddhist girl.

Four Muslims homes, their businesses and properties were targeted during overnight attack by a group of at least thirty local Buddhist men.

Victims has accused of security forces did not arrive in time to stop the violence.

“At first, they (attackers) smashed the street light and then attacked car and houses with stones and sword. They did what day wanted to do for half an hour. Police just arrived when the attackers ran away.” a Muslim victim who does not want to mention the identity due to security reason, told Myanmar Muslim Media, online based media outlet.

In interview with Friday Times, local weekly news journal, another Muslim victim also confirmed lack of police actions over the incident.

“They (police) told us not to go outside. And they also pressured not to complain to township administrator warning the situation could be worse if we do so. Actually, they threaten us instead of giving protection.”

Local police has also denied to open a case against the attack, the victim added.

Although the news of the attack have been widely sharing among social media users, any reports of the incident have not been seen in the state media and other mainstream media outlets till this evening.

Sources : Friday Times, Myanmar Muslim Media

Photos credit – Myanmar Muslim Media

Photos credit – Myanmar Muslim Media

Photos credit – Myanmar Muslim Media

Photos credit – Myanmar Muslim Media

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