Archive for March, 2013

Violence in Meiktila still going on: Blaze in Dhobi Kong

Violence in Meiktila still going on: Blaze in Dhobi Kong

Myanmar News March 22, 2013 at 5:37 am 0 comments

ShareMarch 22 2013 M Media Aye Maung The killing and destruction of Mosques, shops and houses of Muslims in Meiktila by terrorists which broke out since 20 March has still kept up. It is reported that the religious riot which has started as business dispute between shop owner and customerRead More

Interview with a local resident from Meiktila

Interview with a local resident from Meiktila

Myanmar News March 22, 2013 at 4:37 am 0 comments

Share March 22, 2013 M-Media Reported by Warpinlay This morning, a reporter from M-Media could interview a local resident from Meiktila. He mentioned to us : “I live in Nandawgone Quarter. All the belongings from my house had been taken away and set on fire _ two motorbikes, and theRead More

3,500 Muslim Victims and Refugees Stuck in Meiktila

Myanmar News March 21, 2013 at 6:08 pm 0 comments

ShareM-Media March 21, 2013 According to latest information received by M-Media before March 21st midnight, there are about 3,500 Muslim refugees stuck in Meiktila. Most of them are women and children. At a quarter [undisclosed information for security], there are about 500 people. Among them, 100 are children and 200Read More

Meiktila : 4 Teachers and 28 Students from an Islamic School were Killed

Meiktila : 4 Teachers and 28 Students from an Islamic School were Killed

Myanmar News March 21, 2013 at 5:41 pm 0 comments

ShareM-Media March 21, 2013 M-Media confirms that 4 Muslim teachers and 28 students from an Islamic school in Meiktila were killed on March 21. The school is located in Mingalar Zayyone quarter. It had been under attack since March 20., but the security forces did not protect the school. SinceRead More

Updates on Meiktila: Muslims dare not pick the dead bodies

Myanmar News March 21, 2013 at 4:56 pm 0 comments

ShareUpdates on Meiktilar, March 21 @ 7PM. M-Media interview with a resident who has escaped from Meiktila Chan Aye Thar Yar Mosque was destroyed at 6 PM. Thar Yar Kong Mosque located at Nan Taw Kong was also destroyed. Shops owned by Muslims at Correction Service’s building were also destroyed.Read More