Myanmar News

Nationalist barbarism rises in Myanmar

Nationalist barbarism rises in Myanmar

Myanmar News February 2, 2018 at 3:25 pm 0 comments

Share2nd, February 2018 M-Media – So-called nationalists, some of them wearing T-shirt that reads “Eat your fill (before we kill you)”, show their support for criminal suspects believed to be involved in assassination of ruling NLD party’s lawyer U Ko Ni in today court hearing. In Myanmar society, the saying “EatRead More

Officials ban scheduled Christmas prayer in central Myanmar

Officials ban scheduled Christmas prayer in central Myanmar

Myanmar News, News December 14, 2017 at 4:19 pm 0 comments

Share14th, December 2017 M-Media Christians in central Myanmar were barred to celebrate pre-Christmas prayer following the Buddhist villagers complained about the plan, the latest incident that shows rise of religious intolerance among country’s Buddhist majority. In December 9th notice letter sent to U Kyaw Myint from administrator of Kan Thar villageRead More

Myanmar starts a plan to remove citizenship status of officially recognised ethnic Muslim group

Myanmar starts a plan to remove citizenship status of officially recognised ethnic Muslim group

Myanmar News, News December 7, 2017 at 3:20 am 0 comments

Share7th, December 2017 M-Media – Ethnic Kaman Muslims in Rakhine state, an officially recognised ethnic group of Myanmar, are suffering economic blockade by local authorities for refusing immigration department’s new plan which is expected to be an initial step to gradually rendering them stateless. Kaman Muslims from Kyauknimaw Village, Ramree Township,Read More

Sympathies, donations for expelled Muslim vendor pour in from Buddhists

Sympathies, donations for expelled Muslim vendor pour in from Buddhists

Myanmar News October 7, 2017 at 3:37 pm 0 comments

Share5th, October 2017 M-Media – Some Buddhists are rushing to offer words of comfort and donations to Muslim vendor after the news of some monks kicking him out of the vicinity of famous Shwedagon Pagoda was come out in social media. U Aung Than, 61, was expelled on Thursday by nationalistRead More

Old Muslim vendor expelled by a monk for selling near Pagoda

Old Muslim vendor expelled by a monk for selling near Pagoda

Myanmar News October 5, 2017 at 3:50 pm 0 comments

Share5th, October 2017 M-Media – Photos of old Muslim vendor being forced out of famous Shwedagon Pagoda in commercial capital Yangon by a Buddhist monk in the latest anti-Muslim outlaw behavior of the abbots was spread among the Myanmar social media users today. Posting the incident in his Facebook page, AungRead More